
Fleet Telematics

We go beyond traditional fleet management solutions.

The Naveo platform provides you with a real-time and holistic view of your fleet’s daily operations which in turn help reduce costs, increase productivity, and make the most of your productive time.

It will also help you address common fleet requirements like fuel cost, employee efficiency and drivers’ behaviour, as well as optimise your asset performance and maintenance activities.

And our latest video telematics option will provide you with tamper-proof video footage to ascertain driving events, cargo delivery and workers safety.

Enjoy live streaming with video telematics

See exactly what’s happening from the perspective of the driver in real-time with our latest video telematics solution. It records everything happening in and around a vehicle, including driver behavior, nearby vehicles, and the environment. Video is especially valuable as it provides context for driver actions and road events.


Get full visibility on your assets’
geographical position

Track your assets’ real-time position and get an overview of your vehicles’ status through colour-coded icons. Our live map feature enables you to identify when your vehicles are idle or speeding, allowing you to take the appropriate corrective measures.


Replay trips

Replay your vehicles’ routes at specific dates and follow the actual trips taken by your drivers. See visually where set rules such as ‘excessive idling’ or ‘unauthorised door open’ have been broken.


Set your own virtual parameters and
define your operations zones

Monitor critical elements like time in and out of zones, excessive visits within a time frame or scheduled areas that have not been visited.


Improve your fleet’s fuel efficiency

Our fuel management system provides you with an easy and cost-effective way to reduce fuel costs. See exactly how much fuel is being consumed over a selected period of time, and compare it to your fuel costs.


Foster a drivers’ safety culture and
eliminate poor driving habits

Our driver management feature helps you adopt a driver centric approach, creates a sense of auto-awareness and encourages your drivers to improve their driving habits.


Get all reminders about vehicle maintenance, servicing and licensing due dates in one place

Record all maintenance activities to be conducted on your vehicles or any other assets, and establish criteria to set maintenance alerts. You can also record all your financial transactions against your maintenance records.


Improve driver routes with shortest
and most efficient fuel paths

Plan efficient routes by determining the shortest and most fuel-efficient paths, with our planning and scheduling functionality
